► Rep. Jodie Laubenberg (R-TX): Today’s “Moron” Award Winner Print
Rep. Jodie Laubenberg (R-TX): Today’s “Moron” Award Winner
Congratulations to….
Rep. Jodie Laubenberg
Today’s “Moron” Award Winner
Rep. Jodie Laubenberg is yet another Certified Moron in the mold of Rep. Todd “Legitimate Rape” Akin in trying to force her will on the women in Texas as to their right to manage their own personal affairs.
The Texas legislature has dedicated a significant amount of time and taxpayer funds in pursuing legislation that would for all intents and purposes outlaw abortions in the state.
Jodie the Moron is one of many Screwballs in the Texas legislature that actually believe they have the god-given right to stick their collective noses into medical decisions involving a woman, her physician and/or her minister.
 Of course these are the same Screwballs that demand that the government get out of your life and leave you alone. However, when it comes to a woman’s medical choice regarding a pregnancy, then these Certified Lunatics have determined that the government has an absolute right to intervene.
During a recent session in the Texas House regarding an anti-abortion bill, Jodie the Moron argued that there was no need for an exemption for rape victims because they could simply utilize a rape kit to effectuate an abortion. In fact, the Moron said:
  • “In the emergency room they have what’s called rape kits, where a woman can get cleaned out.”
Anyone with an I.Q. in excess of the legal speed limit in a school zone knows that a rape kit is used to collect evidence to prosecute the rapist.
It’s pretty clear that Jodie the Dumbo ain’t likely to get offered a job as a writer on “Law and Order – Special Victims Unit.”
Congrats Jodie; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s Most Accomplished “Morons”; you are far too humble.