► State Rep. Daire Rendon (R-MI): Today’s “Nauseating Imbecile” Award Winner Print

State Rep. Daire Rendon (R-MI): Today’s “Nauseating Imbecile” Award Winner


In November 2016, Daire succeeded in duping the voters in Crawford, Kalkaska, Missaukee, Ogemaw, and Roscommon to elect her as a member of the Michigan House of Representatives.

Daire is one of several Morons in the state legislature that have signed on with fellow Moron Matt Maddock in seeking the impeachment of Gov. Gretchen Whitmore for her conduct in attempting to limit the damage to Michiganders from the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic.


Daire agreed with the statements of Rep. Matt Maddock and his claims about Gov. Whitmore which are as follows.

  • "Today, myself and a growing list of Michigan Legislators have decided that @GovWhitmer has crossed the line and will be calling for #ImpeachWhitmer hearings."
  • "The list of violations is long, and the call is overdue."

Matty continued with his asinine rant by laughingly claiming that Gov. Whitmer was guilty of engaging in the following misconduct.

  • “Ignored court orders.”
  • “Violated our Constitutional rights.”
  • “Completely ignored due process and the legislature.”
  • “Weaponized contract tracing databases to aid democrat campaigns.”

It is patently clear that Daire lacks the intellectual acumen to determine what is medically best for her constituents in fighting the Coronavirus pandemic.


As we speak (ca. December 2020), Daire continues to laughingly claim to be representing the best interests of her constituents.