► Trump attorney William Consovoy: Today’s “Moronic Trump Sycophant” Award Winner Print

Trump attorney William Consovoy: Today’s “Moronic Trump Sycophant” Award Winner


The state of Virginia unfortunately provided William Consovoy with a law license in 1995 after he graduated from George Mason University School of Law.


After lathering up his severely chapped lips, Billy Baby spewed forth the following hyperbolic (BS) while arguing before the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals that The Great Leader’s financial and tax information was not required to be turned over via a subpoena issued by Congress regarding its impeachment inquiry.


To assure he’d go down as one of the dumbest attorneys to have ever secured a law license. Billy the Moron put forth the following comedic arguments before the appellate court.


Trump could not be prosecuted even if he murdered someone in the middle of New York’s Fifth Avenue

No police enforcement agency could embark on an investigation of Trump for murder while he was the president


The following back and forth took place between U.S. Circuit Court Judge Denny Chin and Billy the Moron.



“What’s your view on the ‘Fifth Avenue’ example?”

“Local authorities couldn’t investigate, couldn’t do anything about it?”

“Nothing could be done, that’s your position?”


“That is correct.”


Billy the Moron’s asinine position that Trump is in fact “above the law,” would mean he would argue as follows regarding the following facts.

  • A woman files a charge that Trump raped her at his Mar-a-Lago resort in January 2016
  • Statute of limitations for rape in Florida is eight (8) years, meaning it expires January 2023
  • If Trump is re-elected in 2020, his term would end in 2024, meaning he could not be prosecuted for the rape

Under Billy the Moron’s theory of the law, Trump could not even be the subject of an investigation if he was taped murdering several of his real and/or perceived political enemies.


Anyone who would consider hiring Billy the Moron to represent them in a legal matter may as well toss their money in the nearest sewer. Put simply, hiring Billy Baby would be akin to Rudy Giuliani hiring Sean Hannity to perform a colonoscopy on him and then complaining about how crappy he felt afterwards.