► Trump attorney William Consovoy: Today’s “Monumental Moron” Award Winner Print

Trump attorney William Consovoy: Today’s “Monumental Moron” Award Winner


The state of Virginia provided William Spencer Consovoy with a law license in Virginia after he graduated magna scum laude from George Mason University School of Law. He also received a law license from the District of Columbia. 


Shortly after graduating from George Mason, Billy set out to prove his creds as a right-wing loon by working as a law clerk for fellow right-wingers, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and Judge Edith Jones of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.


Donald “Trumporleone” Trump hired Billy as his personal attorney to argue against the House Oversight Committee’s subpoena of financial records from Trump’s longtime accounting firm, Mazars USA.


After getting thumped by the DC District Court regarding enforcement of Congress’s subpoena for Mazars, The Great Leader instructed Billy to appeal the ruling to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, which Billy the Moron did. On July 12, 2019, oral arguments before the DC appellate court took place. During the proceedings, Billy went about giving credence to his status as a Monumental Moron, a Trump Sycophant and fan of an Imperial Presidency. Towards that end, Billy the Moron made the following hyperbolic (BS) arguments to the appellate court.

  • There is basically no legislation Congress could pass that would be constitutional to curb any unethical behavior that a President
  • There are no legitimate legislative reasons for congress to subpoena The Great Leader’s accounting for his finances
  • In determining the legality of the House’s subpoena, the appellate court was required to assess the legality of any potential legislation that could arise from Congress’ investigation of The Great Leader

The Moron then engaged in the back and forth with the appellate judges as follows.



“Imagine, in the future, you have the most corrupt president in humankind, openly flaunting it, what law could Congress pass?”


“I think it’s very hard to think of one.”


In Billy’s demented and imperialistic mind, Congress has absolutely no authority of any kind to pass any law regarding the corruption of any president, including The Great Leader.


It appears to me that Billy the Moron should be applying for a job as Chief Legal Counsel for Vladimir Putin and/or Kim Jong-un.


And lastly, it is indeed unfortunate that the George Mason University School of Law did not offer any courses in Constitutional Law when Billy the Moron was a student.


As we speak (ca. July 2019), Billy the Moron practices his brand of right-wing extremist law with Consovoy McCarthy at 1600 Clarendon Blvd in Arlington, Virginia.