► Kellyanne Conway: Today’s “Moronic Attorney” Award Winner Print

Kellyanne Conway: Today’s “Moronic Attorney” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Kellyanne. In the past, she has been the recipient of seventeen (17) Awards in various categories and the subject of one (1) opinion piece. Those awards and opinion piece are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


It should be noted that Kellyanne Conway is yet another loser lawyer who learned early on how difficult it would be to earn a dishonest living practicing law. This led her to go into the second most honest profession (used car salesman No. 1), politics.


During a recent (ca. May 2019) appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Jake Tapper, Kellyanne was queried about Donald “Trumporleone” Trump’s claim of executive privilege to prevent Don McGahn from testifying before the House Judiciary Committee. 


After applying a thick coat of Industrial Strength Chapstick to her sorely chapped Trumpster lips, Kellyanne made the following false and laughable statements.

  • “Complying with a congressional subpoena is always an option.”
  • “Executive privilege is always an option, it's always on the table.”
  • “But Don McGahn has already talked under oath for 30 hours.”
  • “And this is just presidential harassment.”

Apparently, George Washington University School of Law did not offer classes in congressional law when Kellyanne was a student in the late 1980s and early 1990s. If they had, the Moron would have learned that subpoenas are not optional when served by a congressional committee that is engaged in its constitutional duty of oversight of the Whitehouse.


What is clear is that Kellyanne and her beau The Great Leader are quite fearful of having McGahn testify in a public setting as to the numerous times that he was asked and/or ordered to commit various crimes at the direction of Trump.


Because guilt by association is a favorite tactic of Kellyanne, The Great Leader, the Republican Party and Trump Sycophants and Toadies, in  a 1992 report, the New Jersey Organized Crime Commission identified Kellyanne's grandfather, Jimmy "The Brute" DiNatale, as a mob associate of the Philadelphia crime family led by Nicodemo "Little Nicky" Scarfo.


And lastly, it goes without saying that once The Great Leader is out of office that, Kellyanne will have a difficult time in obtaining gainful employment as an attorney due to her willingness to engage in serial lying and her obvious ignorance of well-settled law.

  1. Bullshit Award Winner = 2
  2. Joseph Goebbels Truth-Teller Award Winner = 1
  3. Congenital Liar Award Winner = 2
  4. Moron Award Winner = 1
  5. Tina Fey Award Winner = 2
  6. Kellyanne Conway supports electing Child Molester Roy Moore to U.S. Senate: Art. 26 Ass-Kisser Awards
  7. It’s inappropriate to question Trumps’ firing of FBI director Comey: Art. 27 Ass-Kisser Awards
  8. Reporters ‘Talking Smack’ About Trump Should Be Fired: Art 55 Bullshit Awards
  9. What are Alternative Facts? – Art. 56 Bullshit Awards
  10. Details of Russian Hacking should be kept Secret sayeth Kellyanne Conway: Art. 57 Bullshit Awards
  11. Only count what’s in Trump’s heart not his words; sayeth Rev. Kellyanne Conway: Art. 58 Bullshit Awards
  12. Trump doubters interfered in Election sez Moron Kellyanne Conway: Art. 47 Moron Awards
  13. Trump demands his people be loyal to his administration: Art. 62 Screwball Awards
  14. Microwaves being turned into Peeping Toms sez Kellyanne Conway: Art 63 Screwball Awards
  15. Trump Filling the Swamp No. 5: Kellyanne Conway: Art. 86 Dawg Opinions