► Rep. Ryan Costello (R-PA): Today’s “Moronic Loser” Award Winner Print

► Rep. Ryan Costello (R-PA): Today’s “Moronic Loser” Award Winner


FYI: Ryan is another in a long list of loser attorneys that decided to go into politics after learning how difficult it was to earn a dishonest living practicing law after he graduated in from Villanova University Law School. Therefore, he decided to go into the second most ethical profession (used car salesman No. 1), politics.  


In November 2014, Ryan succeeded in duping the voters in the suburbs of Philadelphia to elect him as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives.


In a rather successful effort to further prove that he is a right-wing ideologue along with being a Moronic Lawyer, Ryan decided to comment on the recent ruling by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court that found the Republican Party guilty of violating the state constitution when it gerrymandered (rigged) congressional districting.


The redistricting scam by Ryan his fellow Republican comrades was intended to assure that they would retain a disproportionate share of congressional seats, which now stands at 5 Democrats verses 13 Republicans. This absurd number in favor of Republicans despite the fact that Pennsylvania is just about evenly split among Democrats and Republicans.


Among his fellow GOP comrades, Ryan has been the most boisterous loudmouth loser in attacking the veracity of the Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court ruling whereby it set new congressional districts because Ryan, et al. failed to comply with the court’s mandate that they provide newly drawn districts by a date certain.


After the ruling, Ryan displayed his ignorance of the law and blatant partisanship when he said:

  • “It’s just another reason why these Supreme Court justices should be impeached.”

Apparently, the Villanova Law School didn’t offer any classes in constitutional law when Ryan the Moron attended classes there in the early 1990s. However, it is apparent that Ryan did well in classes offering hints on how to spew forth outright falsehoods and/or how to convince everyone that you’re a Moron and a Raving Lunatic.


In Ryan’s demented mind, any judge or justice that rules in a way that he dislikes, should be impeached. If we used Ryan’s asinine reasoning for impeaching judges, there wouldn’t be any active judges on the bench because there would always be at least one disgruntled person or entity involved in any juridical ruling.


Hopefully, the voters in the Philly suburbs will tell Ryan to take a hike in his attempt at reelection. If he loses, he can always apply for a job as a greeter at the Walmart store in Exton, Pennsylvania. And if that doesn’t pan out, he can always enroll at the Bartending School at the Mixology Wine Institute on City Avenue in Philadelphia.


Unfortunately, as we speak (ca. February 2018), Ryan the Moron continues to sit as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives.