► Justice Scalia’s votes should count even though he’s dead Print

Justice Scalia’s votes should count even though he’s dead


So-called attorney Hans von Spakovsky is employed as a fellow at the Heritage Foundation. He received his license to practice law from the state of Virginia in 1984 after he graduated from Vanderbilt University Law School.


In an effort to establish that he’s a total Idiot (my sincerest apologies to Idiots) in regards to understanding the law and/or the constitution, Hans laughingly claimed that the U.S. Supreme Court had an “obligation” to count the votes Scalia had cast in preliminary conferences in pending cases, even though those votes are not considered final. (Miranda Blue)


In his effort to further prove that he and his cohorts at the Heritage Institute actually despise unions, Hans is concerned about the pending Friedrichs labor case wherein many observers believe will, without Scalia’s vote, end up in a tie that would leave in place a lower court ruling that was favorable to unions.


Since Hans and his fellow Idiots are of the opinion that a “dead” Supreme Court justice has a constitutional right to case a vote, then these morons should have no problem when it was alleged that dead voters in Chicago voted for JFK over Nixon in 1960.


After all, it was reported that all the dead voters were registered Democrats. Therefore, what’s wrong if they voted for JFK? They sure as hell weren’t going to vote for Nixon.


And lastly, why can’t former Justice Thurgood Marshall cast a vote in the cases now pending before the Court? After all, we know how he would want to vote and that should be good enough for Hans, right?