► Sen. Joni Ernst (IA): Today’s “Moronic Boob” Award Winner Print

Sen. Joni Ernst (IA) : Today’s “Moron” Award Winner


Congratulations to….


Sen. Joni Ernst (IA)

Today’s Moron Award Winner



This isn’t the first Award presented to Joni. In the past, he has been the recipient of one (1) Award. That award is listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed category.


During a recent (late July 2015) appearance on comedian Simon Conway’s comedy radio show, Joni decided to toss a little red meat to Conway’s low I.Q. listeners by spinning a hyperbolic (BS) conspiracy theory about the recent Iran nuclear deal.


During the show, Conway asked Joni about the lowering of the flag in honor of the military members killed in a shooting in Chattanooga in mid-July. The Boob responded as follows:

  • “I think there’s something else going on because I think he wants us talking about that and not the other thing [Iran deal], whatever the other thing might be.”

Joni finished off her ignorant rant by saying:

  • “I do think that there are so many things going on right now that he [Obama] doesn’t want us talking about, whether it is the fact that terrorism remains, whether it is the agreement with Iran.”
  • “I think there are so many things that he would just rather he don’t discuss and focus on something else.”

One has to be a monumental screwball to actually believe what Joni the Boob is proposing. Nobody with an I.Q. in triple digits is about to believe anything this Certified Buffoon (my apologies to Buffoons) has to say about anything.


I am at loss to understand how the good folks in Iowa could have elected someone of Joni’s ilk. Hopefully, the voters will come to their senses if she has the chutzpah to run for reelection in 2020.


Congrats Joni; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Moronic Boobs”; you are far too humble.



Dumbo Award Winner = 1