► State Rep. Matt Lynch (R-OH): Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner Print

State Rep. Matt Lynch (R-OH): Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner


Congratulations to….


State Rep. Matt Lynch (R-OH)

Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner



Matty is yet another loser attorney that was apparently experiencing difficulty in earning a dishonest living as an attorney. He then opted for the second most honest profession in the U.S. of A., which is politics. It’s obvious that Matty did well in Fabricating Falsehoods 101 while attending Cleveland State University Law School in the late 1970s.


While recently (September 2014) hosting her so-called “Appeal to Heaven” rally outside the Ohio statehouse, comedian Janet Porter continued to push forward with her loony effort to get the state to pass her anti-choice legislation known as the “Moron Bill,” I’m sorry I mean “Heartbeat Bill,” which would effectively outlaw abortion within weeks of conception.


Shortly before the rally, Janet joined with Matty for a press conference that was attended by various loons from the state legislature who supported her asinine bill. At the conference, Matty compared the battle to outlaw abortion in Ohio to the fight against ISIS in the Middle East.


In a YouTube posting by OhioCapitalBlog, Matty declared that ISIS beheadings of journalists and civilians was no different than the practice of legal abortion in Ohio. Matty went on to say:


  • “As a nation, as we’re aroused literally to move Heaven and earth to combat this evil on the other side of the world somehow we're blind and we're silent to the twenty thousand plus deaths that are occurring, seventy a day, right here in the state of Ohio.”
  • “We have to have the courage to understand that the moral right against evil in the mid-east is no different than the moral fight against evil right here in the state of Ohio and that evil is abortion.”

This watchdog was born and lived in the Buckeye state for over 50 years. The only true evil in Ohio are right-wing ideologues and lunatics like Matty and those of his ilk that actually believe they have a god-given right to impose their screwy positions on everyone else.


Congrats Matty; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Lunatics”; you are far too humble.