► Rep. Trent Franks says, Nuclear attack may befall US because Obama was golfing Print

Rep. Trent Franks says, Nuclear attack may befall US because Obama was golfing


In early September 2014, Rep. Trent Franks appeared on the Fox News Comedy Network to spew forth his usual dose of hyperbole (BS) in regards to our southern border and the ISIS terrorists operating in Iraq and Syria.


Trent laughingly claimed that Obama was encouraging minors from Central America to cross the border and that such conduct could eventually lead to a nuclear attack. Trent the Loon went on to say:


  • “This president has ignored the intent of enemies like ISIS to exploit our porous border.”
  • “If they ever gained the capacity to hurt us, with Iran on the cusp of potentially gaining nuclear weapons capability, we could see a situation where terrorists could gain access to nuclear weapons.”
  • “The shadow of nuclear terrorism could fall across this world and if that happens this president will be remembered in history as the one who stood by with a golf club in his hand and let it happen.”

Well the same kind of loony logic could be used by claiming that the Twin Towers wouldn’t have been attacked on 9/11 if President Bush wasn’t speaking to a kindergarten class at the time.


It is painfully clear that Rep. Franks is a total Lunatic who doesn’t know his rectum from a whole in the ground. Put simply, Franks will say anything regardless of how false it is in order to toss a little red meat to the low I.Q. folks in Arizona that actually believe anything he has to say.


For additional pieces on Trent go to the articles categorized below.

  1. Bigot Award Winner = 1
  2. Moron Award Winner = 1
  3. Screwball Award Winner = 1
  4. 2012 Top 10 Congressional Homophobes: Top 10 Award Winners
  5. Primary reason for impeaching Obama: Opinions No. 1