► State Rep. Matt Shea (R-WA): Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner Print

State Rep. Matt Shea (R-WA): Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner


Congratulations to….


State Rep. Matt Shea (R-WA)

Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner



Matty is another so-called lawyer who apparently decided he could do better financially by going into politics. In November 2008, Matty succeeded in duping the voters in the greater Olympia area into electing him as a Washington State Representative.


Matty is raving lunatic on the far right that believes the federal government is moving to establish concentration camps after disarming the citizens by force. Matt wants Tea Party members to stockpile ammo for the inevitable collapse of the U.S. of A.


In March 2014, Matty led a group of like-minded legislative loons Washington state lawmakers on a trek to Nevada to support Cliven “The “Deadbeat” Bundy.


In a recent (04/26/14) interview with comedian Larry Pratt, director of Gun Owners of America, Matty compared the armed loons supporting Bundy to American colonists who revolted against British rule. Matty went on to assert that Americans are divided between “patriots and loyalists.” Of course the Loon didn’t enlighten us as to the percentage of this alleged division and the reason he didn’t is because the only persons that support Bundy are certified loons, Screwballs and Morons.


Matty and fellow loon Pratt engaged in the following dialogue in comparing Bundy to the patriots that revolted against British rule.


Loony Pratt:  “I’m not sure it’s all that much different from what it was in colonial America, when our forefathers drew their line in the sand and fought off the world’s most powerful empire.

Loony Matty:  “And I’ve been talking to folks recently about what really happened in Nevada, and I’ve really framed the question this way, which I think is the second thing that really relates to colonial America, and that is very simply:

  • Are you a loyalist or are you a lunatic, I’m sorry I mean patriot?
  • Are you a god-fearing, self-reliant, freedom-loving American, or are you a government-dependent [Welfare Queen like Bundy], Constitution ignoring socialist?

In his final loony rant, Matty said:


“I don’t think its hyperbole (BS) or exaggeration to compare this [Bundy-itis] to colonial America.”


If Matty and those of his ilk are supportive of a Deadbeat like Bundy who has stiffed the taxpayers for 20 years by refusing to pay grazing fees of at least $1 million, then why doesn’t he and his fellow loons go ahead and pay the $1 million on the Welfare Queen’s behalf?


Congrats Matty; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Lunatics”; you are far too humble.