► Lord Christopher Monckton: Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner Print

Lord Christopher Monckton: Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner

Congratulations to….
Lord Christopher Monckton
Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner
Christopher falsely portrays himself as a member of the House of Lords in the United Kingdom; hence, his fabricated title of “Lord Monckton.”
Chris is writes a column for the WorldNetDaily Comedy Blog. In an effort to enrich himself, Chris has joined with fellow Birther Loons like Orly Taitz of Calfiornia in falsely claiming that Obama wasn’t born in the United States.
In a recent (01/01/14) column titled: “7 Steps That’ll Land Obama in Jail,” Chris is a supporter of the birther investigation led by fellow Loons Mike Zullo and Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Here are the 7 Zany Steps put forth by Loony Chris:
  • “Prepare a bill to remove from the statute-book every act of Congress or executive order signed by Mr. Obama. They are all invalid.”
  • “Get briefed. For two reasons, the GOP caucus should get its wobbly bottom down to Phoenix and get itself up to speed on the investigation.”
  • “Don’t expect anyone to arrest Mr. Obama while he is still the people’s tenant. The sheriff is all too conscious of the extraordinary extent to which every relevant federal investigating authority is willfully providing cover for Mr. Obama on the flimsy ground that the international community would think less well of America if the scandal became public.”
  • “Press home your advantage. Obamagate is the paradigm of why Big Government does not work. Give private citizens the right to bring prosecutions without the consent of the states’ attorneys general. All of them were shown an outline of the evidence. None – without exception – has lifted a finger to put right what is so obviously wrong.”
The Loon finally said:
“Let the heads roll, right across federal and state governments. Fill the jails. Only when the crooks have gone can America march forward again as her Founding Fathers had intended.”
First and foremost, only die-in-the-wool Obama haters and those possessing an I.Q. in lower double-digits really gives a damn what this Looney Limey has to say.
Congrats Chris; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Lunatics”; you are far too humble.