► Texas Lt. Gov. Dr. Dan Patrick: Today’s “Loony Quack Doctor” Award Winner Print

Texas Lt. Gov. Dr. Dan Patrick: Today’s “Loony Quack Doctor” Award Winner


In November 2014, Danny succeeded in duping the voters in Texas into electing him as its Lieutenant Governor.



In an effort to collect some brownie points from Donald “Trumporleone” Trump regarding the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, Danny decided to go on the attack against Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a member of the President's coronavirus task force.


Towards that end, Dr. Dan (DD) spewed forth the following quackery in attacking Dr. Fauci, especially Fauci’s criticism of Texas in opening too early and causing a dramatic spike in Coronavirus cases. In doing so, Dr. Dan appeared for an interview with Fox comedian and fellow Trump Sycophant Tucker Carlson, wherein he made the following asinine statements.

  • "He doesn't know what he's talking about, we haven't skipped over anything."
  • "The only thing I'm skipping over is listening to him."
  • “He has been wrong every time on every issue.”

Dr. Dan has repeatedly demanded that reopening Texas’s economy was the most important way in combating the Coronavirus outbreak. Dr. Dan’s asinine statement that he made to Fox News comedian and fellow Trump Sycophant Trucker Carlson is as follows.


"There are more important things than living.”


Well, if Danny believes that reopening bars, restaurants, massage parlors and the like is superior to living, then why doesn’t he do the heroic thing and perform an act of hari-kari on himself and do so in public.


And while he’s doing a public service that he claims is more important than living, the medical profession in Austin can pay to have his hari-kari performance made more palatable by playing the hit song “Another one bites the Dust” by Queen.