► Today’s “Certified Nutcase” is U.S. Rep. Alan West of Florida Print

U.S. Rep. Alan West of Florida Today’s “Certified Nutcase” Award Winner

Since he duped the voters from Jupiter to Hollywood to vote for him as their Congressman, Alan has spent a great deal of time proving he’s not only a Certified Nutcase but also an aspiring standup comedian.
During a recent rant before a spattering of his supporters at Florida Atlantic University located in Boca Raton, Alan claimed “he’s heard” up to 80 U.S. House Democrats are Communist Party members. However, Screwy Al wouldn’t name names.
It’s rumored that he received this information when he cracked open an egg during the annual Easter Egg Hunt for Loonies held at Fantasyland in Orlando.
To confirm that the info was correct, Alan held a mini-conference at the Magic Kingdom with Tinker Bell, Donald Duck and Goofy. After the meeting concluded, the attendees advised Alan to not disclose the names of the Democrats until 30 days before the November election.
Congrats Alan; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s most accomplished Certified Nutcases; you are far too humble.
The Dawg~
Folsom, California