► State Rep. Terri Collins (R-AL): Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner Print

► State Rep. Terri Collins (R-AL): Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner


Terri was successful in duping the voters in the greater Morgan County area into electing her as a member of the Alabama House of Representatives in 2010.


In early April 2019, Terri went about providing further proof that she’s a Raving Lunatic when she introduced a bill in the state House on April 2 that would criminalize abortion, making it a Class A felony under state law punishable by no fewer than 10 years and no more than life or 99 years in prison.


Terri’s asinine and clearly unconstitutional legislation compares abortion to genocide. FYI: genocide is defined as:


 “The deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.”(Merriam-Webster)


Apparently, Terri is claiming that when an abortion takes place it represents the destruction of a particular race; however, she doesn’t disclose what race she believes is being targeted. Inquiring minds would like to know if you’re talking about African-Americans, Asians, Latinos, Muslims are God forbid Honkies. Please let us know what the hell you’re talking about Terri.


It is indeed unfortunate that Terri’s Mom didn’t opt to have an abortion in the early 1960s. If she had, normal folks in Alabama wouldn’t have to be totally embarrassed by the absurdity of her proposed legislation.


And lastly, as to abortion, I’m a firm believer in what my late father said many, many years ago, which is as follows.


“If I didn’t impregnate the woman, then it’s none of my damn business.”