► Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale: Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner Print

Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale: Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Teddy. In the past, he has been the recipient of twenty-two (22) Awards in various categories and/or the subject of one (1) opinion piece. Those awards and opinion piece are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


Brad Parscale is the 2020 campaign manager for Donald “Trumporleone” Trump, a job that likely won’t be around in 2019 after The Great Leader is either impeached, indicted for a litany of crimes or just performs a Nixonian dance and resigns.


In a lame effort at levity and only after donning a pair of Trumpian Industrial Strength Knee Pads, Brad decided to mimic The Great Leader and attack CNN. Towards that end, Brad shared an article with The Daily Caller, a right-wing rag founded by Trump Ass-Kisser and Fox comedian Tucker Carlson. 


The Daily Caller reported that CCN reporter Jim Acosta “yelled at Trump” during the White House Easter Egg Roll. Mr. Acosta’s mortal sin according to Brad and his fellow loons at The Daily Caller was to shout out the following question to The Great Leader and then respond to his answer.



“Should the DACA kids worry?”


“The Democrats have really let them down.”

 “They really let them down. It’s a shame.”

“A lot of people have taken advantage of DACA. It’s a shame.”


“Didn’t you kill DACA?”


For asking those highly relevant questions, Brad feigned indignation as follows.


  • “Its time for Acosta to get a suspension for breaking protocol.”
  • “He continues to embarrass himself and @CCN.”
  • “Pull his credentials for each incident.”


For this loser to complain about “protocol” when he works for the most foulmouthed, defaming loser, congenital liar and ignoramus to ever sit in the Whitehouse takes the cake.


And lastly, neither Brad or his master The Great Leader has ever expressed any outrage at the outright lies and defamatory statements spewed forth daily by Sean “The Trump Ass-Kisser” Hannity and the losers on The Five comedy show hosted by the Fox News Comedy Network.


Once The Great Leader is forced to resign or is impeached in 2019, Brad will be unemployed. He better hope that his local Walmart has an opening for a greeter’s job or he’ll be forced to work as a janitor at Trump Tower.