► Scalia murdered and America headed for Civil War Print

Scalia murdered and America headed for Civil War


During a recent (late February 2016) airing of his “Prophetic Perspective on Current Events” comedy radio show, resident comedian and Degenerate liar, televangelist Rick Joyner declared that “something smells like a rat” regarding the recent death of Justice Antonin Scalia.


The Loon went on to warn that America could descend into civil are over efforts over Scalia’s replacement on the Supreme Court. (RightWingWatch) Loony Rick went on to tell his low I.Q. followers:


  • “They rushed him [Scalia] in there and started the embalming process like they didn't want an autopsy." he said.
  • "I'm not saying that he was murdered, but you can't help but wonder.”


Scalia was attending an all-whites event sponsored by millionaires and/or billionaires at a fancy resort in Texas. Clearly, none of these good old Honkies were intent on killing Scalia since he could be relied upon to render unto them favorable decisions.


Ricky continued on with his loony rant by saying:


  • “We are in danger of a civil war in America.”
  • “We are in danger of fracturing, not just into two parts, but into many parts.”
  • “I pray it doesn't happen. I pray it doesn't get violent but if you don't change your direction, you're going to end up where you're headed and that's the direction we're headed.”
  • “I believe you could see America fracture into six different parts, at least.”
  • “We [Certified Loons and Screwballs] believe in prophecy, there are prophetic warnings about this that I believe are from above.”


Only someone with an I.Q. just a tad higher then the legal speed limit in a school zone would believe this type of manufactured crap.


Unfortunately, Ricky and those of his ilk (ILK isn’t defined as a Male ELK, Jethro), have lived high-off-the-hog by duping their followers into contribution millions of dollars over the years to their demented causes.


For additional stories on Ricky go to the articles categorized below


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