► Obama and Hillary Clinton should be tried for treason and hung Print

Obama and Hillary Clinton should be tried for treason and hung


In a recent (01/2016) Facebook posting, Celebrated Lunatic and Child Molester, and NRA (National Rifle Association) board member Ted Nugent declared that Obama and Hillary Clinton “should be tried for treason and hung.” (Brian Tashman)


Later on the same day, Teddy appeared on the Newsmax TV Comedy channel to continue his rant against Obama. During this appearance, Teddy told Newsmax’s intellectually emasculated (means impoverished Clyde) viewers:

  • “He’s [Obama] been groomed to fool the dumbing-down victims, the self-inflicted, dumbing-down victims of America.”” Nugent said of Obama.
  • “Nobody in their right mind, and I do mean correct-educated, conscientious, logical, self-evident-truth-grasping mind, will believe this punk.”

The Loon went on to say:

  • “This guy does want an unarmed public.”
  • “This guy does want to economically ruin America.”
  • “This guy hates America, he hates the Constitution and he hates the Bill of Rights.”
  • I believe, as so many Americans are learning more and more every day, that the president of the United States hates freedom. He’s the enemy of America.”

Teddy finished up his moronic rant by saying:

  • “Obama is the engineer and the ramrod for the worst clusterfuck in the history of America.

Teddy finished up by saying that Obama’s supporters are “liabilities” to America and “brain-dead” haters of freedom.


The only folks who are actually “brain-dead” are the ones that actually listen to and/or believe anything this Raving Maniac and Child Molester has to say.


For additional stories on Teddy go to the articles categorized below

  1. Ass-Kisser Award Winner = 1
  2. Bigot/Racist Award Winner = 1
  3. Humanitarian Award Winner = 1
  4. Lunatic Award Winner = 3
  5. MoronAward Winner = 2
  6. Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 2
  7. Screwball Award Winner = 3
  8. Potty Mouth Loser: Art. No.19: Misc. Award Winners
  9. Obama’s hatred of America causes cancelation of Sportsman Channel: Lunatic Award No. 164
  10. Obama is Cause of Veterans Committing Suicide: Lunatic Award No. 165
  11. Ted Nugent sez: Sarah Palin’s my Hero: Rodney Dangerfield Award No. 110
  12. Mitt Romney trolling for endorsements: Art.177 Dawg Opinions