► Pope Francis’ speech to Congress completes Communist Revolution Print

Pope Francis’ speech to Congress completes Communist Revolution 


During a recent (mid-September 2015) rant on his daily comedy show “The Savage Nation,” chief comic Michael Savage decided to again go after Pope Francis. This time Mike the Loon feigned outrage that Republican leaders had invited him to speak to Congress. (Brain Tashman)


Loony Mike went on to tell his intellectually bereft (means deprived, Jethro) listeners:

  • “It’s sickening what happened to this country that they would invite a pope to speak to Congress.”
  • “It’s an embarrassment. It’s never ever been done before but the communist revolution is so complete that they dare do it.”

It is indeed a sad commentary on the state of affairs in this country that a loudmouth buffoon (my apologies to buffoons) like Mike can viciously attack the Pope for the sole purpose of financial enrichment. However, even sadder is the fact that he’s unapologetic for flaming the fires of bigotry and hatred on a daily basis.


For additional pieces on Mike go to the articles categorized below.


  1. Bullshit Award Winner = 1
  2. Lunatic Award Winner = 3
  3. MoronAward Winner = 2
  4. Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 1
  5. Screwball Award Winner = 2
  6. Will Donald Trump becomes an American Dictator? – Art. 135 Bigot Awards
  7. Gay Folks will cheer as Pastors tossed in Jail: Bigot Awards No. 136
  8. Western Perverts to blame for ISIS: Bigot Award 137
  9. Deport Undocumented Immigrants to Prison in Siberia: Bigot Award 139
  10. Girl Scouts led by Perverted Liberal Vermin: Bigot Award 140
  11. Satanic Obama acting like Charles Manson in seeking Race War: Bigot Award 141
  12. Obama Intends to Burn Down America: Bigot Award 142
  13. Obama Incites the White Man to Revolt: Bigot Award 143
  14. Donald Trump has already made America greater: Art. 209 Bullshit Awards
  15. Obama planning way to Ban Dogs Savage: Art. 210 Bullshit Awards
  16. Obama; Satanic Liberal Hell Bent on Destroying America: Bullshit Award No. 211
  17. Hillary Wages War on White Folk: Bullshit Award: Bullshit Award 212
  18. Obama inciting Race War ala Charles Manson: Lunatic Award 185
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  21. GOP Controlled Congress Must Arrest Obama – Lunatic Award No. 190
  22. Liberals use LGBT rights to Eliminate Men: Art. 150 Moron Awards
  23. Will Obama pursue Third Term via Election Nullification?-Art. 136 Rodney Dangerfield Award
  24. Pope Francis: False Prophet; Antichrist: Rodney Dangerfield Award 137
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  26. Jews who support Obama “Want to Die”: Screwball Award No. 181
  27. Will Hillary’s looks undermine her Presidential campaign?: Screwball Award 182
  28. Obama conducting Civil War Against America – Screwball Award No. 183
  29. What is a Compassionate Conservative? – Art. 39 Dawg Opinions
  30. Toss Homeless People in Jail: Art. 36 Humanitarian Awards
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