► Mat Staver sez: Red States to join forces to create Abortion-Free Sanctuary States Print

Mat Staver sez: Red States to join forces to create Abortion-Free Sanctuary States 


During the recent (mid-August 2015), airing of the comedy “Faith and Freedom” radio show, the twin towers of deceit and ignorance, Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver and Matt Barber called for the creation of “sanctuary states” where Planned Parenthood is defunded and abortion is totally outlawed by GOP governors and state legislatures. (Kyle Mantyla)


During their imbecilic colloquy (means discussion, Jethro), Staver spewed forth the following BS.

  • “We need to stop abortion. Enough is enough, we’re not going to kill children in our state.” [Comment for red state Governors)
  • Funding Planned Parenthood is “like funding the Holocaust.”
  • “You’ve got these so-called sanctuary cities, setting these up for the protection of illegal aliens, we should set up a sanctuary location, a sanctuary city, but particularly a sanctuary state that says that children within our state, they're protected, we will not stand by and allow them to be slaughtered in the womb.”

Trust me folks, Staver and Barber don’t much give a damn about the right-to-life movement. Their sole intent is to financially enrich themselves by spewing forth an assortment of falsehoods and defamatory statements aimed to inflaming the intellectually infirm folks that actually tune in to listen to their crap.


I’d personally vote in favor of Mat and Matt’s (M&M) red state sanctuary rant if they’d agree to allowing for:


  • Blue States to band together to create Moron Free Sanctuary States


For additional pieces on Staver go to the articles categorized below.

  1. Bigot Award Winner = 1
  2. Bullshit Award Winner = 2
  3. Homophobe Award Winner = 1
  4. Lunatic Award Winner = 1
  5. MoronAward Winner = 2
  6. Screwball Award Winner = 2
  7. Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver: Today’s “Bigot” Award Winner – No. 160
  8. Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver: Today’s “Bigot” Award Winner – No. 161
  9. Obama exporting Abortion and Homosexuality: Bigot Award No. 164
  10. Liberty Counsel: Today’s “Fleece-Flocker” Award Winner
  11. Supporters of Reproductive Choice are Modern Day Nazis: Lunatic Award No. 186
  12. Gay marriage will lead to messing around by straight folks: Moron Award No. 161