► Rep. Steve Pearce (R-NM): Today’s “Arrogant Hypocrite” Award Winner Print

Rep. Steve Pearce (R-NM): Today’s “Arrogant Hypocrite” Award Winner

Steve succeeded in duping the voters into electing him as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives in November 2010.
In addition to being an Arrogant Hypocrite, Stevie is also an Accomplished Bullshitter, Lunatic and an Aspiring Standup Comedian.
Stevie laughingly claims to be a fiscal conservative who has made cutting wasteful government spending a hallmark of his time in the House. In March 2012, and in a lame effort at levity Stevie said, “Turning a eye to the reckless spending habits of Washington will only result in greater economic crisis.”
As is the case with most Arrogant Hypocrites, Stevie doesn’t believe that austerity begins at home. Stevie recently hosed the taxpayers to the tune of $19,525 for airfare to and from Egypt. Stevie left it to his chief lackey, Eric Layer to defend his outrageous spending by saying that the airfare was expensive because the ticket was booked less than two weeks before he departed for Egypt.
This hyperbolic (BS) excuse was disposed of when it was reported that one could have purchased a roundtrip ticket online in less than two weeks for $2,477.
The Tea Party folks that supported this loser in 2010 should be outraged at this outrageous waste of their tax money. If the Tea Partiers are truly concerned about government waste, they should send this Loser packing in November 2014.
Congrats Timmy; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s Most Disrespected “Arrogant Hypocrites”; you are far too humble.