► Texas Rep. Richard Hardcastle; scofflaw, moron, ethical gnome Print
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Texas Rep. Richard Hardcastle; scofflaw, moron, ethical gnome

Rep. Richard Hardcastle has unfortunately represented the 68th District in Vernon since 1999.
Pursuant to Chapter § 254.0612 of the Election Code, for all contributions of $500 or more, a
candidate is required to disclose (a) the individual’s principal occupation or job title and (b) the full name of the individual’s employer. This requirement went into effect in September 2003.
Unfortunately it appears that Rep. Richard Hardcastle is yet another intellectual dwarf and/or moron who is incapable of understanding the Texas Campaign Laws in regards to disclosure of the name and/or job title of contributors.
Could it be that Rep. Richard Hardcastle is totally ignorant as to who T. Boone Pickens event though he contributed $1,000 to him on two occasions? Could anyone in Texas really be that ignorant?
Even us folks here in the Sacramento, California area know who T. Boone Pickens is! However, I suppose if you are a certified moron like Rep. Richard Hardcastle who resides in the backwoods of Vernon, Texas, then maybe you wouldn’t know who in the hell T. Boone Pickens is, right?
In fact, as a youngen in Toledo, Ohio in the 1960s, I knew who T. Boone Pickens was as did most everyone else that possessed an I.Q. higher than 45.
Where in the hell did Rep. Richard Hardcastle send thank you notes to T. Boone Pickens after receiving two $1,000 contributions? Did he address the thank you note as follows?
T. Boone Pickens
1645 Anonymous Drive
Incognito, Texas 44665
From 2006 through 2008, Rep. Richard Hardcastle violated Texas Campaign disclosure laws thirty-two (32) times. The total amount of contributions that Inocente Quintanilla failed to disclose was $31,000 as set forth below.
2007-2008 = $24,500
1.      Brown McCarroll,,,,,,Austin,TX,78701,,,20080929,500.00
2.      Butt,Charles,,,,,San Antonio,TX,78204,,,20080828,1000.00
3.      Davis,Jared,,,,,Mason,OH,45040,,,20081209,500.00
4.      Dumas,John,,,,,Dallas,TX,75287,,,20081128,1000.00
5.      Ford,Curtis,,,,,Austin,TX,78746,,,20081021,1000.00
6.      Foster,Paul,,,,,El Paso,TX,79922,,,20080923,1000.00
7.      Gosselink,Lloyd,,,,,Austin,TX,78767,,,20081119,500.00
8.      Johnson,Robert,,Jr.,,,Austin,TX,78701,,,20081209,2500.00
9.      Johnson Charles,Charles,,,,,Boca Raton,FL,33431,,,20081103,500.00
10. Kudron,Kari,,,,,Omaha,NE,68118,,,20081020,1000.00
11. Mayfield,Walter,,,,,Houston,TX,77257,,,20081020,500.00
12. Mewbourne,Curtis,,,,,Tyler,TX,75711,,,20081009,2500.00
13. Petty,Scott,Mr.,,,,San Antonio,TX,78205,,,20081105,500.00
14. Phenix,Billy,,,,,Austin,TX,78704,,,20081113,1000.00
15. Pickens,Boone,,,,,Dallas,TX,75225,,,20080718,1500.00
16. Polan,Kraege,,,,,Austin,TX,78701,,,20081120,1000.00
17. Shipton,Patricia,,,,,Austin,TX,78701,,,20081020,500.00
18. Taraborelli,Richard,,,,,Spring,TX,77382,,,20081017,500.00
19. Titus,Bob,,,,,Dallas,TX,75205,,,20081017,2500.00
20. Ahlberg,Trevor,Mr.,,,,Irving,TX,75038,,,20080604,1000.00
21. Ford,Curtis,,,,,Austin,TX,78716,,,20080212,2500.00
22. Shepperd,Ben,,,,,Midland,TX,79707,,,20080312,500.00
23. Hinkle,Daniel,Mr.,,,,Sugar Land,TX,77478,,,20071023,1000.00
2006 = $6,500
1.      Coates,Spencer,,,,,Bowling Green,KY,42104,,,20061206,500.00
2.      Kelley,Rusty,,,,,Austin,TX,78701,,,20060908,500.00
3.      McCall,Thomas,,,,,Frisco,TX,75034,,,20061211,1000.00
4.      Pickens,Boone,,,,,Dallas,TX,75225,,,20060925,1000.00
5.      Ratliff,Bill,,,,,Mount Pleasant,TX,75456,,,20060925,500.00
6.      Rizos,Dawn,,,,,Dallas,TX,75205,,,20061211,1000.00
7.      Shipton,Patricia,,,,,Austin,TX,78701,,,20060925,500.00
8.      Sibley,David,,,,,Austin,TX,78701,,,20061211,500.00
9.      Warren,Louis,,,,,Austin,TX,78731,,,20061211,1000.00