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Law to make Journalists Register with the State


In November 2003, Michael Pitts duped the voters in the Greenwood and Laurens County South Carolina areas into electing him as a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives.


Prior to 2003, Mike was a police officer in Greenville, South Carolina.


In an effort to prove that he is a Certified Screwball and Aspiring Standup Comedian, Mike recently (January 2016) introduced legislation entitled “The South Carolina Responsible Journalism Registry Law.”


Mike’s asinine law would establish requirements for persons before they would work as a journalist for a media outlet and for media outlets before they could hire a journalist. (Ian Millhiser).


The official summary of Mike’s laughable legislation would mandate:

  • “The establishment and operation of a responsible journalism registry by the South Carolina Secretary of State’s office.”
  • Violations would be punishable with “fines and criminal penalties.”

It is patently clear that Mike has no clue of what the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution stands for in regards to “freedom of the press” and/or “free speech.”


I’m sure that Mike would make an exception for any so-called journalist who is employed by the Fox News Comedy Network.


Mike is a total embarrassment to all well-intentioned Morons running amuck in statehouses throughout the country. If anything, South Carolina should pass a law maandating that Morons like Mike be forced to register with the State. 


It is difficult to believe that this Certified Moron was able to dupe the voters into electing him to the South Carolina House of Representatives.