► Rep. Clayton Luckie of Dayton; Today’s Public Official Misfit Print
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State Rep. Clayton Luckie of Dayton, OH; Today’s Public Official Misfit

In November 2006, Clayton Luckie duped the voters in the greater Dayton, Ohio area into electing him as their state representative in the Ohio House of Representatives. Clayton was successful in duping the voters again in 2008, 2010 and 2012.
In 2012, Clayton was indicted on forty-nine (49) criminal charges as a result of an FBI investigation discovered that he converted $130,000 in campaign funds to his personal use, and then fabricated false records in a lame attempt to cover up his criminal activity.
The criminal charges against Clayton included a RICO (Racketeering) charge, 2 counts of theft in office, 12 counts of money laundering, 2 counts of tampering with records, 3 counts of tampering with evidence, 1 count of forgery, 24 counts of election falsification and 4 counts of failure to disclose.
Clayton’s illegal expenditures of campaign funds included $1,700 in cash withdrawals at casinos, $1,800 for a home-equity loan payments, $9,825 in checks payable to himself and thousands that he spent at retail stores and/or withdrawals at ATMs.
With a trial date looming, Clayton’s luck was about to run out. Knowing he faced possible imprisonment of over 25 years, Clayton decided it was time to cop a plea.
In agreeing to plead guilty to 6 felony counts, Luckie had the audacity to put forth the following hyperbolic (BS) comment: “I apologize to my constituents for the errors in judgment that I have made,” Luckie said in the court. “I tried to act in my job to the best of my capability.”
Clearly, Mr. Luckie missed his calling as a Standup Comedian!
Retired Visiting Franklin County (Columbus) Judge Alan Travis sentenced Luckie to 3 years in prison and ordered him to pay $11,893 in restitution to the State of Ohio.
Now we’ll see how lucky Mr. Luckie feels when he’s assigned to cell No. 148 at the Mansfield Correctional Institute in Mansfield, Ohio along with Clarice (real name is Clarence).