► ProsecutorRon O’Brien of Columbus; moron, apologist for Judicial Misfits Print
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Prosecuting Attorney Ron O’Brien of Columbus, OH;  moron, apologist for Judicial Misfits

Sadly, Ron O’Brien has been the elected Prosecuting Attorney for Franklin County (Columbus), Ohio since 1996. Previously, Ron O’Brien was the Columbus City Prosecutor from 1978 to 1995. This only proves that that O’Brien was quite successful in duping the voters in Columbus for thirty-two (32) years.
From the time the Ohio Supreme Court unfortunately anointed Ron O’Brien with a law license in 1974, he has dedicated his legal career to porking out at the public trough. Obviously, it goes without saying that no self-respecting law firm in the Columbus area ever offered Mr. O’Brien a job given his obvious incompetence.
Prosecuting Attorney Ron O’Brien – Ohio’s Chief Enabler/Apologist for Crooked Judges
In early 2001, Ron O’Brien was provided with irrefutable documentary evidence (official public records) that numerous retired visiting judges in Ohio were defrauding the State of Ohio by fabricated claims for wages and/or travel expenses.
The most notorious of these retired visiting judges was Stephen Yarbrough of Toledo who was well known throughout Ohio as a “serial thief.” In addition, Ron O’Brien was provided with documentary evidence that retired Judges Richard B. McQuade, Jr., June Rose Galvin, both of Toledo along with Joseph Cirigliano of Elyria were also “serial thieves.”
Prosecuting Attorney Ron O’Brien’s Hyperbolic (BS) defense of crooked Judges
Ron O’Brien was provided with public records proving that Judge Stephen Yarbrough, ET al. was billing multiple counties for wages and/or travel expenses on the same day. Put simply, these crooked judges were billing multiple counties for a full day’s work (8 hours) on the same day.
Ron O’Brien’s office defended this Judicial Thievery by stating:
If a retired judge worked on ten (10) or more separate cases he/she was assigned to by the Chief Justice, they would lawfully be entitled to 8-hours pay for each instance. In other words, this idiot opined that a retired judge in Ohio would be legally entitled to receive $4,200 for one day’s judicial services because he/she just happened to review ten (10) separate case files.
$4,200 for allegedly working six-hours in one day equates to an hourly rate in 2004 of $700. According to Ron “The Moron” O’Brien, if a retired judge were to review thirty (30) case files on a given day, he/she would be legally entitled to $12,600 in judicial wages. Now ya gotta be one big time dumbass to put forth such a bullshit argument, right?
However, in this instance, Ron O’Brien was more concerned about protecting the crooked judges that were assigned by the late Chief Justice Thomas Moyer to preside over criminal cases in Columbus than he was in protecting the overburdened taxpayers of Ohio. Put simply, Ron O’Brien was more concerned about conviction rates being passed out like candy by the Judicial Misfits being assigned by Chief Justice Thomas Moyer than he was in protecting the taxpayers of Columbus, Ohio.