► Ex- Rep. Stan Statham; crook; ethical dwarf, certified moron Print
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Ex- CA Assemblyman Stan Statham; crook; ethical dwarf, certified moron

It is pretty apparent that Assemblyman Stan Statham bilked Californians while representing the 1st Assembly District.
From 1977 through 1994, Stan Statham represented the 1st and 2nd State Assembly Districts in Sacramento.
In 1986, Stan Statham bilked Californian’s by submitting maintenance costs of $17,247.05 on a vehicle the public paid (source: California State Assembly Journal)
The average cost of a new car in 1986 was $9,255; therefore, how is it even possible for anyone to have spent over $17,000 in one year on maintenance costs?
Making matters even worse is the fact that in 1985 Stan Statham claimed $6,511.57 in maintenance costs on the state’s vehicle. In 1988, Stan Statham claimed yet another $6,253.96 in maintenance costs. In a mere three (3) years (1985, 1986 and 1988) Stan Statham hosed Californians for $30,012.58 in maintenance costs. For this amount of money, the average hardworking Californian could have purchased three (3) new vehicles.
Stan Statham’s claim of incurring over $17,000 in vehicle maintenance expenses in 1986 doesn’t pass the involuntary laugh test. Clearly, Stan Statham billed the State of California for maintenance costs on one or more personal vehicles.
What is truly troubling is that some moron (my apologies to morons) working for the State Assembly Rules Committee actually authorized the expenditure of $17,000 for one year and $30,000 over a three-year period of time for maintenance. Put simply, whoever this moron was, he/she didn’t much give a damn that Californians that Stan Statham was bilking them.
During his eighteen (18) years in the State Assembly, Stan Statham hosed Californians for a free ride as follows:
  • $64,964 – lease costs
  • $47,244 – maintenance costs
  • $43,133 – fuel costs
  • $4,500 – liability insurance costs (estimate)
  • $70,000 – cost of six new cars (estimate)
Stan Statham is now and has been for many years, an avid supporter of splitting California into three (3) states. The vast majority of Californians rightfully believe this is a moronic proposition.
Stan Statham is now the CEO of the California Broadcasters Association and its primary lobbyist in Sacramento.
It sure would be nice to know what kind of state vehicle ol’ Stan Statham was driving in 1986 that required $17,000 in maintenance, right? Unfortunately, the State Assembly Rules Committee doesn’t have records going back that far.
As evidence that the State Legislature doesn't really give a damn about outrageous maintenance claims anymore today than it did in 1986 is evidenced by the expenditure of nearly $11,000 by State Senator Tom Torlakson from Antioch in 2008 in maintenance on a car that was worth about $5,000.
The average cost of a new car in 2008 wass about $28,000. Based on the outrageous claim by Stan Statham in 1986, it is reasonable to assume that the State Legislature would approve maintenance costs in 2009 of $55,000 for said vehicle in 2009. Isn't California a great country?
Who knows, maybe Stan Statham was driving a John Deere tractor or a Kenworth truck. And if he was, then maybe $17,000 in repairs in 1986 was reasonable, right?