► State Sen. Leland Yee of San Francisco; ethically destitute Print
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State Senator Leland Yee of San Francisco; ethically destitute


The State Senate’s Policy on accident claims involving state cars, states it will not pay for accidents that are personal or have nothing to do with state business.
On Friday, September 5, 2008, Senator Leland Yee’s wife Maxine was driving the state’s 2007 Highland Hybrid that cost Californians $42,349 on March 15, 2007.
Maxine Yee struck a disabled vehicle in the middle of the freeway while driving Senator Leland Yee to the airport. The state insurer paid $8,306.15 in damages to repair Elizar Tica’s vehicle. In addition, the state insurer paid $24,371.13 for property damage to the Highlander and for bodily injury to Maxine Yee.
For one thing, Maxine Yee had no business driving a state car while transporting Senator Leland Yee to the Airport. Now, I do not know where Senator Lee was flying too; however, it would appear that he was commuting from his home in San Francisco to the airport. Thus, the IRS considers such travel as “commuting,” meaning it is personal travel and therefore treated as taxable income.
From 2003 to 2008, Californians paid the following amounts to provide Senator/Assemblyman Leland Yee with cars of his choosing:
  • $42,349 – 2007 Highlander Hybrid
  • $29,988 – 2003 Buick LeSabre
  • $23,633 – lease costs
  • $28,807 – fuel costs
  • $14,082 – maintenance costs
  • $2,500 – insurance costs
  • $32,677 – property/personal injury damages re: Maxine’s accident
  • $170,036 – total costs = $29,006 yearly average
If Senator Leland Yee wasn’t an ethical dwarf, he would not have allowed his wife Maxine to drive the state’s Highlander, and more importantly he certainly wouldn’t have made a claim for over $32,000 to the state’s insurer for an accident that was Maxine’s fault.
If ya wanna know why these arrogant ingrates get away with providing themselves with luxury vehicles of their choosing along with unlimited fuel/maintenance and insurance, I’d suggest that each voter look in the closest mirror. Once you’ve done that you’ll discover who’s really at fault.
Lastly, I would suggest that every voter and taxpayer in California contact his/her State Legislators and tell them in no uncertain terms that if they do not immediately return their state cars to the State, they will never receive your vote in the future. If you do nothing but sit on your hands and let these ingrates continue to hose you (pun intended), then you have absolutely no right to complain about this outrageous conduct.