► State Sen. Martha Escutia of L.A.; ethically impaired Print
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State Sen. Martha Escutia of L.A.; ethically impaired

The State Senate’s Policy on accidents involving state cars, states it will not pay for accidents that are personal or have nothing to do with state business.
On February 25, 2006, Senator Martha Escutia “sideswiped” another vehicle causing $5,015.50 in damage. The accident took place on a Saturday. Even though the accident took place on a Saturday, Senator Martha Escutia had the chutzpah to claim that she was engaged in “official state business” at the time, thereby causing the State insurer to pay for the property damage.
By making the specious claims that she was involved in “official state business” on a Saturday while driving a state car, Senator Martha Escutia was able to avoid reporting the claim to her personal insurer, meaning her insurance rates did not increase.
From 1993 through 2006, Californians spent the following sums to provide Senator/Assemblywoman Martha Escutia with a ride of her choice.
  • $49,982 – 2003 Lincoln Navigator
  • $28,326 – 2004 Prius
  • $65,000 – 2 vehicles while in Assembly (estimate)
  • $50,736 – lease costs
  • $33,887 – fuel, maintenance and insurance
  • $227,431 – total costs for vehicles for Senator Martha Escutia
In addition to the $227,431 above, Californians also paid the following while Martha Escutia was a State Senator (ca> 2001-2006):
  • $17,841 – in-state travel
  • $35,110 – session travel
  • $24,190 – car rental costs
  • $25,700 – in-state, session, car rental 1999-2000 (estimate)
  • $102,841 – total travel costs
Based on the above figures (source: Senate records), it cost Californians $232,658 to provide transportation/travel to Senator Martha Escutia from 1999 through 2006. This comes out to an average yearly expense of $29,082.
If ya wanna know why these arrogant ingrates get away with providing themselves with luxury vehicles of their choosing along with unlimited fuel/maintenance and insurance, I’d suggest that each voter look in the closest mirror. Once you’ve done that you’ll discover who’s really at fault.
Lastly, I would suggest that every voter and taxpayer in California contact his/her State Legislators and tell them in no uncertain terms that if they do not immediately return their state cars to the State, they will never receive your vote in the future. If you do nothing but sit on your hands and let these ingrates continue to hose you (pun intended), then you have absolutely no right to complain about this outrageous conduct.