► Today’s “Arrogant Potentate” Award Winner is CA State Sen. Bob Dutton Print
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Today’s “Arrogant Potentate” Award Winner is CA State Sen. Bob Dutton

As we speak (ca. Feb 2011), Sen. Bob Dutton is the minority Republican leader of the California State Senate. Recently, Arrogant Bob has rightfully been pilloried for thumbing his nose at doing anything to help California overcome its massive budget deficit. In essence, Bobby’s saying it ain’t his or a Republican Party problem.
However, one thing that Bob Dutton is adamant about is that he doesn’t believe Californians should be allowed to vote on extending tax increases to avoid even further budget cuts. In fact, Arrogant Bob supports massive budget cuts to any and all programs that serve the needy and/or higher education.
Of course Ol’ Bobby finds no fault with his personal abusive and wasteful spending of taxpayer funds, which are more fully explained below.  In truth, it appears that Bobby’s mantra as to waste and abuse is “If it’s for Bobby, it can’t be wasteful.” In essence, Bobby actually believes his "bowel movement is without odor."
State-funded luxury rides for Bob the Potentate (BP)
Taxpayer costs to provide BP with luxury rides of his choosing while a state legislator (ca. 2003-2009) are:
  • $40,279 – 2003 Chevy Tahoe 4WD – 12/06/02
  • $40,593 – 2005 Tahoe Z71 – 01/07/05
  • $45,000 = Depreciation re: 2 Tahoe’s
  • $28,493 = Monthly lease costs
  • $24,163 = Fuel costs
  • $9,595 = Maintenance costs
  • $3,500 = Liability insurance costs
  • $110,751 = Total costs = $15,822 yearly average
Additional travel costs paid by State for Bobby (ca. 2005-2009)
  • $39,687 – Session travel
  • $20,902 – Auto rental costs
  • $6,637 – In-state-travel
  • $67,226 = Total travel costs = $13,445 yearly average
The numbers above prove that it costs Californians a yearly average of $29,267 to pay for Bobby’s travel costs. In addition, since assuming the throne in the Senate, Arrogant Bobby has hosed the taxpayers to operate his so-called legislative office as follows:
  1. 2009 = $1,207,611 – No. 1 out of 40 Senators
  2. 2008 = $1,244,587 – No. 3 out of 40 Senators
  3. 2007 = $1,150,048 – No. 1 out of 40 Senators
  4. 2006 = $986,530 – No. 3 out of 40 Senators
  5. 2005 = $938,561 – No. 6 out of 40 Senators
It also appears that Arrogant Bobby is quite wealthy, meaning it is quite obnoxious for him to demand that the taxpayers continue to pay for his luxury ride. I’m fairly confident that Ol’ Bobby has failed to report and pay federal and state taxes on the income he’s earned for his personal use of the luxury Tahoe’s over the past eight years.
Is this buffoon (my apologies to buffoons) a certified loser or what? In fact, Bobby should go to the nearest mirror and say, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the biggest loser of them all?”