► Attorney Winston Sitton of Nashville; dimwitted loser Print
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Attorney Winston Sitton of Nashville; dimwitted loser


The state of Tennessee provided Winston Bradshaw Sitton with a law license in 1993 after he graduated from the University of Virginia School of Law. Winston also received a license to practice law from Maryland in 1995 and New York in 1994.


The Tennessee Board of Professional Responsibility found Winston guilty of engaging in the following misconduct.


In one matter, Winston advised a Facebook Friend on how she could use the castle doctrine to protect herself if she shot a former boyfriend, she had accused of abuse. Winston sent the following message to the friend.

  • “I have a carry permit, Lauren. The problem is that if you pull your gun, you must use it.”
  • “I am afraid that, with your volatile relationship with your baby’s daddy, you will kill your ex—your son’s father.” “Better to get a taser or a canister of tear gas. Effective but not deadly.”
  • “If you get a shot gun, fill the first couple rounds with rock salt, the second couple with bird shot, then load for bear.”

Winston continued with his advice on Lauren killing her ex-husband by saying:

  • “If you want to kill him, then lure him into your house and claim he broke in with intent to do you bodily harm and that you feared for your life.”
  • “Even with the new stand your ground law, the castle doctrine is a far safer basis for use of deadly force.”

As a direct consequence of his misconduct, the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Tennessee Supreme Court punished Winston by gifting him with a complimentary 1-year suspension of his law license effective January 2021.


As we speak (ca. May 2021), Winton will resume his so-called practice of at 6624 Ellesmere Road in Nashville, Tennessee in early 2022.