► Attorney Thomas Spargo of Albany, NY; scofflaw; ethical twerp, moron Print
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Attorney Thomas Spargo of Albany, NY; serial scofflaw; ethical twerp, certified moron

In his previous life, attorney Thomas Spargo was a Judge in Albany, New York. In 2002, the New York Judicial Commission (NYJC) removed Judge Thomas Spargo from the bench for engaging in egregious misconduct.
Judge Thomas Spargo was found guilty of demanding (strong-arming) $10,000 in contributions from attorneys – some with cases before him – to help pay his costs ($140,000) in fighting charges of judicial misconduct.
During his two months of strong-arm fund raising in 2003, Judge Thomas Spargo hit the lawyers up in his chambers at the courthouse and a Kingston restaurant.
On at least one occasion, Judge Thomas Spargo was accompanied by Albany County Court Judge Cathryn Doyle, described as his “close personal friend,” who recommended one of two trustees for Tom’s defense fund.
‘Ol Tom was also under investigation for paying $5,000 to political operatives for a 2001 cross-endorsement from the Democratic Party.  
Tom also tried to bribe voters with food, free alcoholic drinks and gasoline coupons.    Maybe he should have tried giving them coupons for future purchases of Preparation H.
Bribing voters for gas money in 2001 wasn’t likely going to be a winner; however, when gas is over $3, who knows how many votes an honest judge can purchase, right?
Tom, a Republican is also being investigated for his involvement in a public demonstration during the 2000 Florida presidential race recount. 
Of course New York taxpayer’s were paying Judge Thomas Spargo’s undeserved wages while he was politicking for George W. He did this even though New Yorkers voted for Al Gore. Who says you can’t make Democrats pay the bills for Republicans?
I wouldn’t be surprised that as a result of Tommy’s conduct in Florida he may have been put on George W’s short list to be appointed to a lifetime federal judgeship. 
Judge Thomas Spargo’s prior misconduct
In 1990, Judge Thomas Spargo appeared before the Commission on Government Integrity (I bet they’re busy), accused of funneling $750,000 into a Poughkeepsie Town Board race to elect candidates who would support a mall the Pyramid Co. wanted to build in the 1980s. 
Tommy invoked his 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination 19 times. He denied any wrongdoing, and the probe ended after he resigned as counsel to the New York State GOP. 
Is Troy, NY – haven for crooked judges?
Troy is located in Rensselaer County, which is a Republican stronghold. 
In May 2006, Republican Mayor Harry Tutunjian (honors graduate of the Tammany Hall School of ethics) hired Tommy to replace former crook Henry Bauer (previously removed from the bench) as counsel for the city of Troy.
Unfortunately, it appears that Troy is the employer of last resort in Rensselaer County when it comes to unemployable judicial crooks. It would appear that the ethics required of a greeter at Wal-Mart are much higher than those required for employment with the City of Troy. 
Judge Thomas Spargo criminally convicted of extortion
In August 2009, a federal jury sitting in Albany convicted Ol’ Tom for extortion and soliciting bribes, which was an offshoot of the charges that led to him being tossed off the bench. He faces a maximum sentence of 30 years and a $500,000 fine.
Apparently Judge Spargo had lined up several well-respected character witnesses to testify on his behalf at the criminal trial, some of whom are pictured below. Unfortunately, there wasn’t sufficient time at the trial for these upstanding citizens to appear on Tommy’s behalf. I’m sure if they had testified as to Tommy’s integrity and honesty, the jury may have been persuaded to reach a different result.
Hopefully, Tom will be bunked up with Josephine (real name is Joseph) in cell No. 279 in Leavenworth. I’m hopeful that Josephine will treat him with the disrespect he rightfully deserves.