
Attorney Michael Lippman of New York City; greedy thief, ethical leprechaun

Sadly the New York State Supreme Court gifted Michael Lippman (aka, The Lipp) with a law license in 1969. As you’ll see, that proved to be a bad idea to say the least. Put simply, Mr. Lippman has obviously dedicated his legal career to the total avoidance of ethics. And he’s been quite successful in so acting!
Over the past several years, attorney Michael Lippman has ripped off the estates of numerous deceased persons and their heirs to the tune of almost $2 million.
Lippman performed this fraud by billing for fees he never earned. In fact, he absconded with these unearned fees by billing the estates of deceased persons and in doing so screwed the heirs.
Of course Lippman couldn’t have engaged in this years-long fraud without the able assistance of a corrupt judge (aka, Judicial Misfit). In this instance it was none other than Surrogate Judge Lee Holzman.
On July 8, 2010, attorney Michael Lippman was finally asked to perform the famous “perp walk” after he was arrested
The Lipp was charged in a 15-count indictment brought by the Bronx District Attorney that accused him of filing false documents to conceal the excessive (fraudulent) fees he charged.
As could be expected The Lipp pleaded not guilty.
Records show that during the time The Lipp was defrauding decedent estates, he was drowning in debt - facing foreclosure on a $400,000 mortgage, $1 million in gambling losses and $600,000 in unpaid taxes.
Now ya gotta be one big time, no good dirty SOB to ripoff the estates of dead folks and their heirs, right?

Hopefully, the sentencing judge in this criminal case will send The Lipp to Attica for at least 20 years. And when The Lipp arrives at Attica I’m hopeful that the warden will assign him to cell 1334 so he’ll be bunked up with Clarice (his name used to be Clarence.) I’m confident that Clarice will treat The Lipp with the due respect he so richly deserves.
My advice to The Lipp is to spend a few of the bucks he stole from the estates and purchase himself some industrial strength “soap on a rope.” In addition, he may want to get fitted for an inversed chastity belt.