► Attorney John Kenneth Renke III of Florida; liar, moron Print
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Attorney John Kenneth Renke III of Florida; congenital liar, moron

In late 2005, the Florida Supreme Court found Judge John Renke III (JR) guilty of telling flagrant lies about his qualifications in his 2002 campaign for a judgeship. JR’s lies went like this:
  • A brochure portraying him as an incumbent judge
  • A printed slogan saying, “A Judge With Our Values” 
  • Lying about his experience as a lawyer when he in fact had little or no actual trial or courtroom experience
  • Funded his race with illegal contributions of $98,500 from his father John Renke II; a former state representative.
John Renke II was also a lawyer proving that the avocado doesn’t fall far from the tree, right?
Advertising that he was “A Judge with Our Values” should have, at a minimum, resulted in Johnny immediately having his mouth washed out with soap. 
In truth, John Renke III and his cadre of liars created a phony candidate, illegally funded his candidacy, and successfully perpetrated a fraud on the voters in winning the judgeship. Other than that, everything else was on the up-and-up. 
Judge Renke’s Hyperbolic (BS) Defense  
Judge Renke’s so-called lawyer, Scott Tozian had the chutzpah to claim Renke’s 1st Amendment free speech rights were violated when the Florida Supreme Court ruled that he could not “lie” to the voters about his non-existent qualifications. Doesn’t hardly seem fair does it?
Tozian when on to say that it appeared that the Florida Supreme Court was using his client (Renke) to send a message to judicial candidates that defrauding voters would not be tolerated. Scott Tozian said the court “seems determined to muzzle them.”
Beam me up Scotty! Judicial candidates should be permitted to “lie” to the voters about their qualifications? How special is that? Is this just limited to judicial candidates? Or can any candidate lie about his/her qualifications, Scotty?   Please let us know Scotty Baby!
As we speak, John Kenneth Renke III practices law in New Port Richey, Florida. If you’re looking for an honest attorney that doesn’t play fast and loose with the truth, then I’d avoid hiring Mr. Renke.