► Attorney Mary E. Cochran of LA; scofflaw, ethical gnome,Dufus Print
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Attorney Mary E. Cochran of LA; scofflaw, ethical gnome, Dufus

Unfortunately, for the good folks of the greater Los Angeles area, the California erred when it granted Cochran a law license in 1992.
It didn’t take Mary long to prove that she was unfit to practice law. The California Bar Court charged and ultimately found Mary guilty of a myriad of misconduct, some of which is as follows:
  1. Failure to properly administer her client trust account (client’s funds)
  2. Refusal to return unearned fees and costs
  3. Incompetent performance of legal services
  4. Failed to cooperate with the Bar Court’s investigation
  5. Practiced law while her license was suspended
  6. Collected a fee in a probate matter without court approval
  7. Wrote at least 26 bad checks on an account with insufficient funds
Mary was found guilty of the following specific counts of egregious misconduct;
In a probate matter, she informed a client she no longer wished to handle the case and promised to refund $500 of the $1,000 fee paid in advance. She never made the refund.
In a second probate case, Mary demanded an collected an advance fee of $4,000 without the required court approval.
A client in a civil trial paid Mary $5,000 for anticipated costs. Following the trial, the client requested returned of unused funds at least 10 times. Finally, Mary promised to refund $2,907, but never did.
When Mary wrote a check for $4,900 as a refund to her clients, the check bounced and she never made the refund.
The enablers at the Bar Court had the chutzpah to grant Mary mitigation by stating she was personal difficulties as the time of the misconduct. Personal difficulties caused her to bounce 23 checks and defraud several clients?
As punishment for her misconduct, the Bar Court gifted Mary by presenting her with a 120-day suspension. Why so harsh?
As we speak (ca. March 2011) this certified loser practices law at 4859 W. Slauson Avenue in Los Angles. What a joke!