► Fox’s Katie Pavlich: Today’s “Tina Fey Comic” Award Winner Print

Fox’s Katie Pavlich: Today’s “Tina Fey Comic” Award Winner


Katie is another bleached blonde employed by the Fox News Comedy Network who was willing to perform like Sharon Stone in “Basic Instinct.” After greasing up her lips with a tube of Industrial Strength Chapstick, Katie decided to spew forth the following falsehoods in attacking Democrats who support an increase of income taxes on millionaires and billionaires.


While appearing (ca. March 2019) on an episode of the Fox News’ Outnumbered Comedy Show, Katie fed the following red meat to Fox’s low I.Q, followers.

  • “With tax day just more than two weeks away and some 2020 Democrats pushing a tax the mega-rich agenda, new Fox News polling shows a change in how Americans feel about taxes.”
  • “They no longer say their biggest gripe is how much they pay, it's that the rich don't pay enough.”
  • “There's also a role reversal in how the parties view their taxes.”
  • “The number of Democrats who say their taxes are too high is 59 percent, up ten points from last year.”
  • “But the trend is going the other way among the GOP. 59 percent of Republicans said their taxes were too high last year.

Katie completed her BS by spewing for the following laughable falsehood.


“Don't the top 1 percent pay 90 percent of the taxes?


Proof of Katie’s lie that the top 1% pay 90% of federal taxes is the fact that in 2016 they paid 37.3% of all individual income taxes. After grabbing my trust abacus, I was able to discern that 37.3% is a much lower number than 90%.


Of course, it goes without saying that Katie wasn’t hired by Fox to speak the truth and if she ever begins to so act she’ll surely be fired.