► Obama’s Amnesty Proclamation Print

Obama’s Amnesty Proclamation 


In his weekly comedy column (ca. May 2015), Chuck Norris wrote that Obama intends to use his executive authority to ensure the Democrats win the 2016 election by manipulating the immigration laws.


Chuck the Comic said in part:

  • “As if Obama hasn’t made enough wrong moves, now, he’s going to finish his presidency casting a wide net of amnesty and carting illegals into every American community with virtually no regard for safety in doing so.”
  • “But he does have one thing in mind for certain: creating new voters in every state to ensure a 2016 win for the Democratic Party presidential nominee.”

Chuck went on to say:

  • “First, the Department of Homeland Security, or DHS, sent letters to all 9,000,000 green-card holders urging them to naturalize prior to the 2016 election.”

Of course Chuck doesn’t provide any source for his claim that there are presently 9 million green card holders residing in the U.S. of A. The total number of naturalizations in 2011 was 694,000, 2012 was 757,000 and in 2013 was 779,000. These numbers prove just how comical Chuck’s argument is that 9 million green card holders will be naturalized and eligible to vote by November 1, 2016.


It is patently clear that Chuck the Comic is again engaged in fear-mongering and race baiting by falsely claiming that those folks [wink, wink] are going to vote in favor of the Democrats. It would be physically impossible for the Immigration and Naturalization Service to process 9 million naturalization applications in 18 months (average 500,000 per month) when it’s previously monthly average (2011 to 2012) was 61,300.


The only folks that listen to and believe anything the crap that Chuck writes are ones that possess an I.Q. in the mid to high 70s. An of course it goes without saying that the vast majority of Chuck’s followers are certified bigots.


For additional pieces on Chuck go to the articles categorized below.

  1. Lunatic Award Winner = 1
  2. MoronAward Winner = 1
  3. Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 1
  4. Public trials for Police Officers equal Lynching: Bullshit Awards No. 1