► Louis Gohmert says, Obama refuses to fight terrorists due to his support for abortion rights Print

Louis Gohmert says, Obama refuses to fight terrorists due to his support for abortion rights


During a recent (September 2014) airing of the WallBuilders Live Comedy radio program, comedians David Barton and Rick Green invited Rep. Louie “The Loon” Gohmert (R-TX) to discuss America’s role in the Mideast.


Barton claimed that “terrorism was really on the ropes” before Obama removed the last troops from Iraq.


In a lame attempt at levity, comedians Green and Barton expressed their eagerness to have someone like Louie the Loon serve as president instead of Obama because the Loon understands the difference between good and evil, a difference Obama can’t appreciate because he supports abortion rights and gay marriage.


The only folks that believe anything these twin comedians and/or Louie the Loon have to say about anything are bereft of any intellectualism. Put simply, if you possess an I.Q. in the triple digits, you are automatically disqualified from tuning in to the rants of these Aspiring Standup Comedians.







For additional pieces on Dave Barton go to the articles categorized below.


Lunatic Award Winner = 1

Screwball Award Winner = 1