► Former Rep. Tom Delay (R-TX): Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner Print

Former Rep. Tom Delay (R-TX): Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Tommy. In the past, he has been the recipient of two (2) Awards.  Those awards are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed category.


During a recent (04/24/14) appearing with comedian Steve Malzerg of Newsmax, Tommy decided to raise up in defense of Cliven “The Deadbeat” Bundy, the law-breaking Welfare Queen that refuses to pay grazing fees to the federal government.


Tommy told comedian Stevie that Obama’s “lawlessness” was prompting people [assorted screwballs] to take up arms in Nevada to defend Bundy.


Tommy went on to say that Obama is ushering in “tyranny” and that he is “just shocked by Obama’s complete disregard or love for this country and the people that live in it.”


In a final attack against Obama, Tommy the Dumbo said:

  • “This is getting so far out of hand we see Americans picking up arms in Nevada because of government tyranny, this is getting out of hand.”
  • “When people are taking up arms; that means that the federal government and people like Obama and Holder have gone too far.”

Nobody with an I.Q. approaching triple digits really gives a damn what this unethical loser has to say about anything. Taking advice from this loser on the subject of alleged government overreach is akin to seeking advice from Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) on the religious and moral meaning of monogamous relationships.


If Screwy Tommy really thinks it was perfectly acceptable for Cliven Bundy to cheat the government by failing to pay $1 million in grazing fees, then I’d suggest that he and his fellow losers pay the $1 million on Bundy’s behalf.


Congrats Tommy; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Screwballs”; you are far too humble.

  1. Bullshit Award Winner = 1
  2. Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 1