► Supreme Court Justice Jeffrey Victory of Louisiana; moron, misogynist, ethical elf Print
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Supreme Court Justice Jeffrey Victory of Louisiana; moron, misogynist, ethical elf


Unfortunately, Justice Jeffrey Victory was victorious (pun intended) in duping the voters into electing him as a District Court judge in 1981.
In 1990, Justice Jeffrey Victory was able to bamboozle the voters into electing him to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals.
In 1995, Justice Jeffrey Victory hornswoggled the good ol’ folks in Louisiana to elect him to the Supreme Court. Therefore, Justice Jeffrey Victory has been porking out at the public trough for nearly thirty (30) years.
Justice Jeffrey Victory—Louisiana’s Premier Enabler/Apologist for Judicial Misfits
Since ascending to the throne on the Louisiana Supreme Court in 1995, Justice Jeffrey Victory has taken on the task of acting as the chief enabler and apologist for judicial misfits.
In December 2004, the Louisiana Supreme Court voted 5-2 that Judge Timothy Ellender of Houma (Terrebonne Parish) for six-months in 2004 for his bigoted conduct. An article regarding Judge Ellender’s egregious misconduct can be found by going to the URL below the article below.
Is Judge Timothy Ellender of Louisiana a racist; misogynist, ethical gnome and a moron? Yes!!!
Justice Jeffrey Victory disagreed with the imposition of a six-month suspension of Louisiana’s premier judicial bigot, Judge Timothy Ellender. In his written dissent, Justice Jeffrey Victory had the chutzpah (FYI: Justice Victory – means audacity) to state in part:
“I find the sanction imposed by the majority, which amounts to a loss of income of over $50,000, to be unduly harsh and would impose a lesser sanction.”  Ex-Justice Lemmie Hightower (another enabler and apologist for judicial misfits) agreed with Justice Jeffrey Victory.  
These clowns (my sincerest apologies to clowns) have no shame in acting as enablers for a judge who was and is an unabashed bigot. To shed crocodile tears because a good ol’ boy is going to loose $50,000 is laughable at best. Judge Timothy Ellender should have rightfully been removed from the bench. Since when should acknowledged bigots be given a second bite at the “bigot tree?” My bad, this be Louisiana, right?
When Judge Timothy Ellender’s misogynistic conduct came before the Louisiana Supreme Court for consideration, it ruled that he be suspended without pay for 30 days.
 In an effort to cement his status as one of America’s premier apologists and enablers for judicial misfits, Justice Jeffrey Victory dissented again.
In this instance, Justice Jeffrey Victory wrote that a public censure without any loss of pay was more than sufficient punishment for the Dishonorable Judge Timothy Ellender. 
Justice Jeffrey Victory has the temerity to put forth this asinine argument despite the fact that this was Judge Timothy Ellender’s second bite at the judicial misfit tree.
Can it be safely assumed that Justice Jeffrey Victory is also a practicing bigot and misogynist just like Judge Timothy Ellender?
On thing I can say with certainty is that Justice Jeffrey Victory is the preeminent bootlicker (aka, asskisser) when it comes to finding no fault with egregious misconduct engaged in by the likes of Judge Timothy Ellender.
This just further proves that allowing judges to judge the misconduct of their brethren is not only absurd but is an unmitigated farce.
On behalf of the victims of Judge Timothy Ellender and those of his ilk, I wish to extend my sincerest gratitude to Justice Jeffrey Victory for his years of disservice the good citizens of Louisiana.