► Paul Ryan’s Medicare Plan asks seniors to screw their kids & grandkids Print

Paul Ryan’s Medicare Plan asks seniors to screw their kids & grandkids

As I suspect you know, Rep. Ryan’s budget proposal turns Medicare into a voucher program that will eliminate Medicare as we know it. Additionally, Romney’s plans for Medicare basically mirrors that of Ryan’s.
When many of his Republican compatriots balked and/or refused to support Ryan’s original budget plan to decimate Medicare, he backed off and introduced a new version. The newest version limits the implementation of the voucher system to those who are 55-years-old or younger. Put simply, those 56-years or older will not be affected.
Ryan’s softening of his plan to end Medicare by exempting anyone over 56-years of age was an acknowledgement that without the senior vote, he and Romney were toast.
Therefore, Ryan and Romney are asking anyone over 56-years of age and those now receiving Medicare benefits to screw their kids and their grandkids in November.
As a member of the group now receiving Medicare, I can assure you that I’m not about to cast a vote that will insure that my three daughters and five grandchildren are going to get screwed by Paulie and Mitt.
On the bright side for Ryan and Romney, they may well carry the childless senior vote.