► Mitt “The Wit” Romney responds to demands for Tax Returns Print

Mitt “The Wit” Romney responds to demands for Tax Returns

As expected some of the Democrats in the U. S. Congress who are members of the Communist Party (Rep. Alan West said so) have railed at Mitt for failing to turn over copies of his federal income tax returns for the past 10 years.
Other left-wing, commie-sympathizers and America haters have also attacked Mitt for failing to do what his father did when he ran for president, which was to release 12 years of his federal tax returns.
The biggest whiners have likely never provided copies of their federal income tax returns to the public or the media.
In response to this unwarranted and unconscionable attack on him, Mitt’s response to these God hating liberal misfits and those of their ilk is:
“I’ll show you mine, if you’ll show me yours?”