► American law schools now offer 2 degrees – 1 in law, 1 in theology Print

American law schools now offer 2 degrees – 1 in law, 1 in theology

It is rumored that some law schools in America are now offering dual degrees, one in law and the other in theology.
The claimed reasoning for doing so is to afford any attorney who loses his/her law license, something that rarely occurs, the opportunity to seek employment in the second most ethical industry in the country, which is of course the ministry.
Unburdened by the so-called ethics imposed by State Supreme Courts on lawyers in regards to ripping-off clients by collecting excessive fees, the ministry does not have similar rules. Put simply, as a minister, an ex-attorney is able to rip-off his/her followers by collecting donations for the church and then pocketing them.
Going into the ministry after being disbarred allows an attorney and/or his spouse to keep shopping at Sax 5th Avenue, Neiman Marcus or Tiffany’s on someone else’s dime.
Isn’t America a great country?