► Did Donald Trump abuse girls when he was a young boy? Print

Did Donald Trump abuse girls when he was a young boy?


Most of us are aware of the Access Hollywood tape that shows Donald “Trumporleone” Trump saying “I grab them by the pussy.” As the tape disclosed, The Don also bragged about being able to do just about anything he wanted with a woman because he was a so-called star.


We also have the fact that The Don openly and brazenly carried on with Marla Maples while he was married to his first wife Ivana.


The above facts along with others attesting to The Don’s sleazy conduct in his dealing with women indicates that he has been a Practicing Misogynist and Abuser at a young age.


A somewhat unreliable source previosly associated with Breitbart News indicated that when The Don was a youngster, he taught his dog to perform special tricks to satisfy his sexual urges and curiosity.  One of those tricks is pictured below.