► Is Utah State Senator Lyle Hillyard a certified moron and ethically indigent? Print

Is Utah State Senator Lyle Hillyard a certified moron and ethically indigent?


Senator Lyle Hillyard is the longest-serving state legislator in Utah (ca. 1981-2009). What this really means is that Senator Lyle Hillyard has had his snout firmly impacted in the public trough for nearly thirty (30) years.
Recently, the good citizens of Utah (that’d be the ones that actually work for a living) decided it was time to impose some meaningful ethics reforms in regards to their state legislators.
David Irvine, a former Republican lawmaker is one of the drafters of the citizen’s ethics initiative. (Salt Lake Tribune)
In response to the initiative, State Senator Lyle Hillyard, a lawyer (Surprised?) had the chutzpah to say, “In this environment we live in now, life is too short. You’ll have a lot of very honest people who will say it’s not worth the price.”
For State Senator Lyle Hillyard to opine that if meaningful ethics laws are passed, “honest” people will forgo running for office is facially absurd. In fact, it doesn’t pass the involuntary laugh test.
It would appear that Senator Lyle Hillyard missed his calling as a stand-up comedian.
Maybe Senator Lyle Hillyard would be kind enough to give us the names of some “honest” people in Utah who have indicated to him an unwillingness to serve if this ethics initiative bears fruit?
The public has an absolute right to know what their elected officials are up to, and this would include the right to view copies of any and all records involving the expenditure of public funds by their so-called legislators.
If an elected legislator is unwilling to allow the disinfectant of sunshine to glower down upon him or her, then I would respectfully suggest they seek meaningful employment in the private sector. In fact, I hear tell that there are openings at the Wal Mart store located at 350 Hope Avenue in Salt Lake City for greeters.
Put simply Senator Hillyard, if you and/or your fellow legislators haven’t engaged in any unethical conduct, then what are you really afraid of?
And lastly, if Senator Lyle Hillyard is unwilling to allow the public he allegedly serves to be the final arbiter for the imposition of meaningful ethics laws in Utah, then I’d suggest he take a hike and earn a living practicing law.
And if that doesn’t work out Senator Hillyard, there’s always barber school!