► Sen. David Vitter (R-LA); moron, hypocrite, scofflaw, pervert, ethical gremlin Print

Sen. David Vitter (R-LA); moron, hypocrite, scofflaw, pervert, ethical gremlin


Senator David Vitter is a womanizer; monumental hypocrite; liar; scofflaw; racist; bigot and well-respected moron, and these are just a few of his better attributes.
In cementing his status as no-good-dirty louse, Senator David Vitter had the audacity to continually trot out his wife and children in an attempt to falsely portray himself as a bible-thumping; born-again-Christian, family values guru.
As we all soon discovered, Senator David Vitter was employing prostitutes in D.C. to serve satisfy his unspeakable perversions. And he engaged in this criminal conduct while he was married and while he false claimed to be a “family values” guru.
During the 2008 presidential election, 86% of the good ol’ white folks in Lousiana voted for John McCain. Obviously, the good ol’ boys and girls in Lousiana weren’t about to suffer the indignity of having a “nigra” sitting in the Whitehouse. There delusional bigotry was in keeping with the attitude of Senator David Vitter.
Despite the fact that he “lied” to the voters of Louisiana in falsely portraying himself as an honest, ethical bible-thumper who was always faithful to his wife.
As expected, the folks in Louisiana are about to re-elect this certified loser and hypocrite to another eight years in the U.S. Senate.
Senator David Vitter’s has consistently campaigned by saying his opponent and/or prospective opponent “supports Obama.” Of course David Vitter repeats this refrain to assure that each and every racist and bigot in Louisiana will cast a vote for him despite the fact that the voters are well aware that he is a womanizer, liar, criminal and hypocrite.
Put simply folks, the voters in Louisiana would vote for the late Huey Long (well known crook) if he were alive before they’d eve even consider voting for someone that even hinted they supported President Obama.
What really galls me is that a certified loser like David Vitter is able to cancel the vote of California Senator Barbara Boxer and/or Diane Feinstein even though this certified moron only represents 4.4 millions people verses 36.7 million that Feinstein and Boxer represent.
I personally take great umbrage to having an idiot such as David Vitter sitting in a position where he has been gifted with eight (8) times as much power in representing American citizens as Ms. Feinstein and Mr. Boxer.
In the day as they say (ca. 1950s) in Toledo, Ohio, my friends and I would have taken a loser and ethical leper-con like Senator David Vitter down to the Ten-Mile Creek and “water-boarded” him until he decided to act like a gentleman rather than a certified louse.