► Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Today’s “Michael Flynn Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print E-mail

Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Today’s “Michael Flynn Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Sarah. In the past, she has been the recipient of fifteen (15) Awards in various categories. Those awards are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


After lathering up her lips with an Industrial Tube of Chapstick, Sarah decided to once again genuflect in support of convicted felon Michael Flynn. Towards that end, Sarah recently (ca. Dec 2018) appeared on the Fox News Comedy Network and spewed forth the following BS as additional red meat to be consumed by Fox’s low I.Q. followers prior to Flynn’s court appearance for sentencing.

  • “We’re [The Great Leader] arguing that he was certainly ambushed and the FBI, that we know had clear political bias, we’ve seen that time and time again.”
  • “One thing we’re 100 percent sure on is that the President made the right decision in firing James Comey.”

To suggest that Flynn was set up by the FBI in repeatedly lying about his contact with various Russians during the presidential campaign is laughable at best. To so argue would be to assert that a West Point graduate, 3-Star General who headed an intelligence agency in the military, and repeatedly dealt with the FBI involving counter intelligence investigations didn’t know it was a crime to lie to the FBI is ridiculous.


Of course, it doesn’t surprise me that Sarah the Serial Liar would defend the Preeminent Liar in the World since she’s dedicated her White House career to lying on behalf of The Great Leader.


  1. Ass-Kisser Award Winner = 1
  2. Liar Award Winner = 4
  3. Tina Fey Award Winner = 4
  4. It’s insulting to call Donald “Trumporleone” Trump a Liar: Art. 230 Ass-Kisser Awards
  5. White House’s Sarah Huckabee Sanders: kisses Sean Hannity’s Ass: Art. 160 Ass-Kisser Awards
  6. Sarah Huckabee demands ESPN fire Jemele Hill Bigot: Art. 264 Bigot Awards
  7. Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Today’s “Lying Ass-Kisser” Award Winner: Art. 158 Liar Awards
  8. Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Today’s “Crybaby Loser” Award Winner: Art. 37 Misc. Awards
  9. White House’s Sarah Huckabee Sanders “Moronic Hypocrite” Award Winner: Art. 38 Misc. Awards

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