► Fox’s Geraldo Rivera: Today’s “Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print E-mail

Fox’s Geraldo Rivera: Today’s “Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Geraldo. In the past, he has been the recipient of five (5) wards in various categories and the subject of one (1) lament. Those awards and lament are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


Geraldo is yet another loser lawyer who learned early on that he couldn’t make an honest living practicing law. Therefore, he decided to become a right-wing lying pundit like his loser lawyer comrades Ann Coulter, Neal Boortz, Laura Ingraham, Hugh Hewitt, Mark Levin and Michael Medved.


During a recent (ca. December 2018) appearance on the Fox News Comedy Network, Geraldo, after donning a pair of Trumpian Brand ™ Industrial Strength Knee Pads, decided to further his loyalty standing with The Great Leader by making the following asinine comments.

  • “This is collusion illusion.”
  • “There is nothing impeachable here.”

It is pretty clear that when Geraldo attended Brooklyn Law School that it didn’t offer classes in Constitutional Law or that he just opted to skip those classes in the late 1960s. Whatever the reason, his comments prove that he’s a Monumental Dumbass on the issue of what is an “impeachable offense.”

  1. Ass-Kisser Award Winner = 2
  2. Bullshit Award Winner = 1
  3. Moron Award Winner = 1
  4. Rodney Dangerfield Comic Award Winner = 1
  5. Trump’s replacements for Mueller’s team of 13 angry Democrats: Art. 6 Dawg Laments



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