► Judge Mungeni Mulenga of Zambia; imbecile, ethical elf Print E-mail
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Judge Mungeni Mulenga of Zambia; imbecile, ethical elf


The Judicial Complaints Commission agreed to hold a hearing of a complaint filed by the Green Party President to the Commission for the removal of Constitutional Court Judge Mungeni Mulenga.


The complaint alleges that Judge Mulenga engaged in the following misconduct.

  • Brought Constitutional Court into disrepute, ridicule or contempt
  • Violated the Zambian Constitution
  • Engaged in gross misconduct
  • Engaged in conduct prejudicial to the country’s economy
  • Conduct threatened the security of the State
  • Failed to act with competence (imbecile)
  • Issued contradictory orders vs. those of other judges
  • Violated the Rules of the Constitutional Court

All that remains now is to see what if any punishment is meted out to Mulenga by the apologists for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Judicial Complaints Commission.


As we speak (ca. February 2017), Mulenga remains sitting as a Constitutional Court Judge in Lusaka, Zambia. 


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