► Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem (R-ND): Today’s “Misogynist” Award Winner Print E-mail

Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem (R-ND): Today’s “Misogynist” Award Winner

After receiving his law degree in 1976, Wayne Stenehjem has had his significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough (ca. 1977 through 2013). Apparently, no self-respecting law firm in the Fargo area was about to offer Wayne a good paying job after he graduated from the University of North Dakota Law School.
Wayne is another Screwball that actually believes he has a god-given right to stick his significant snout into a woman’s choice to have an abortion.

Wayne was on the losing end of a recent decision by District Court Judge Wickham Corwin who found North Dakota’s draconian and asinine anti-abortion legislation unconstitutional.
It is no secret in North Dakota that Wayne is a card-carrying member of the Professional Misogynist Society (PMS). Wayne would be well advised to take the advice my late father had in regards to abortion, which was “If I didn’t impregnate the woman, then it ain’t none of my damn business.”
After being spanked by Judge Corwin, Wayne announced that he will appeal the decision to the North Dakota Supreme Court. Wayne said, “It’s something that the North Dakota Supreme Court has never addressed.”
Wayne the Dumbo well knows that the United States Supreme Court addressed this issue many, many years ago in its Roe v Wade decision. However, Wayne apparently doesn’t much give a damn how much taxpayer money he wastes in pursuing an appeal that is a total effort in futility.
I guess in Wayne’s World, money is no object when your intent is to ride roughshod over a woman’s right to choose.
Congrats Wayne; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s Most Disrespected “Misogynists”; you are far too humble.

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