► Chief Justice Jeffrey Bivins of Tennessee; cheerleader for attorney felons Print E-mail
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Chief Justice Jeffrey Bivins of Tennessee; cheerleader for attorney felons


The state of Tennessee unfortunately presented Jeffrey S. Bivins with a law license in 1986 after she graduated from Vanderbilt University Law School.


Gov. Bill Haslam was duped into appointing Jeff to a seat on the Tennessee Supreme Court in 2014. Jeff didn’t get the appointment because he was the most qualified lawyer and/or jurist in Tennessee. He got it because he had proven to be a reliable lackey for the statewide political hacks.


In one matter, Jeff voted to reinstate the law license of convicted felon William Lockett Jr. of Knoxville. To determine the magnitude of Mr. Lockett’s criminal behavior, visit the URL listed at the end of this article.


In voting to reinstate Billy the Felon’s law license, Jeff must have been under the firm belief that he had a constitutional right to earn a dishonest living practicing law.


Thanks to Jeff and those of his ilk, the good folks living in the Knoxville area have yet another convicted felon practicing law.


As we speak (ca. October 2017), Jeffrey continues to sit as the Chief Justice of the Tennessee Supreme Court.


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